
CMS Rated 5 Star 120 Beds Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing 24/7 Security

This award-winning facility in Stuart, Florida accepts Medicare/Medicaid, VA, Hospice, Private Pay, Respite Care, and Long-Term Insurance.

The Very Best Care for You and Your Loved Ones

Happy mature couple talking to their doctor

Rehabilitation for Short-Term Care

We provide therapy for persons recovering from a surgery, joint replacements, stroke, illness or accident. Our state-of-the-art programs help patients achieve their maximum functional capacity and get back home in the shortest time possible.

Long-Term Care

Our long-term care offers a variety of services which help meet both the medical and non-medical needs of people with a chronic illness or disability who cannot take care of themselves for long periods. We assist with bathing, dressing, eating, and using the bathroom.

Book a guided tour with one of our dedicated staff and see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones. Contact us for a facility tour and consultation meeting.